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Blog Category // Acronyms & Concepts

What is a Layer 2 Blockchain?

Blockchain technology has evolved significantly since the inception of Bitcoin. With the rise of various cryptocurrencies ...

Core Blockchain Developers: Shaping the Future of Technology

The introduction of Bitcoin cryptocurrency in 2009 marked the beginning of the blockchain era. It was based on a late 2008 ...

What is tokenization? Learn about Fungible, non fungible tokens & more

In the world of digital assets, we come across two types of tokens - fungible and non-fungible. While both terms might sound ...

Crypto Custody: Custodial Wallets vs Non & the Advantages of Cybrid

As the world of cryptocurrencies continues to evolve and gain traction, the need for secure and efficient custody solutions ...

What is Embedded Finance and Why Does it Matter?

Embedded Finance is a term that is not new, but is certainly gaining significance in the world of finance and technology. ...

What are Soul Bound Tokens / SBT Tokens?

Like a DeBeers Diamond: Forever Yours Soul Bound Tokens, also sometimes referred to as Account Bound Tokens, could be ...

What is a stablecoin & CBDC?

What is a stablecoin? The answer to these questions and more will be covered in today's blog post! Stablecoins have emerged ...

What is a Crypto Exchange API?

The Evolution of Exchanges: Centralized vs. Decentralized The rapidly evolving world of finance has been marked by ...

What is a crypto wallet as a service?

Some have referred to web3 technologies as read-write-own, versus web2 technologies which were just read-write. ...

What is a crypto transaction?

A transaction is a signed (approved) record of change to a blockchain which is irreversible once validated. As previously ...